The chemical industry, through the FEIQUE Safety Awards, recognizes us again for the compliance with the "zero accidents" quota. On this occasion, our Tarragona Industrial Complex received two awards:
- FEIQUE 2018 Safety Award: for being a chemical production center with more than 50 workers that during 2017 registered a General "zero" Frequency Rate of work accidents, in other words, there have been no accidents with and without sick leave.
- FEIQUE 2018 Safety Plus Award: for being a complex that has more than 300 workers who comply with said zero accident rate. The award can be added to the ones obtained in 2016 and 2017 to the Repsol Chemistry and the C.I. of Tarragona, in other words, there have been no accidents with sick leave.
From Repsol, we appreciate the awards received and reaffirm our commitment to pursue the objective of "zero accidents".