What is Repsol Vetting?
We are a team of marine experts in charge of ensuring that the vessels involved in the Repsol Group's undertakings meet Repsol's criteria and process standards.
The following vessels must be rated as acceptable in the vetting process:
Our Vetting team is in charge of carrying out assessments in accordance with our vetting processes at both Repsol terminals and other national and international terminals.
A range of vetting processes are available to adapt to the type of vessel being screened
Repsol Vetting Process
Contact details
Vetting matters: vetting@repsol.com
Operator meetings and TMSA matters: vetting@repsol.com
Casualty/incident reporting:
Repsol Vetting Process for F(P)SOs
Repsol Offshore Vetting Process
Contact details:
Vetting matters: offshore.vetting@repsol.com
Incident reporting:
Repsol River Vetting Process (E&P)
Contact information:
Emergency/incident reporting: