Repsol share price

Repsol S.A. is listed on the following stock indexes: IBEX 35 and FTSE4Good IBEX.

Share key figures

Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Price at the end of the year (€/share) (1) (9) 14,75 14,08 13,93 8,25 10,44 14,85 13,45
Shareholder remuneration (€/share) (2) 0,76 0,87 0,92 0,92 0,59 0,63 0,70
Dividend Yield (%) (4) 5,7% 5,9% 6,5% 6,6% 7,1% 6,0% 4,7%
Share price return (%)
9,9% (4,5%) (1,1%) (40,8%) 26,5% 42,3% (9,4)%
Total Shareholder Return (TSR) (%) (5)
15,6% 1,4% 5,4% (34,2%) 33,6% 48,3% (4,7)%
Earnings per share (€/share)  (6)
1,35 1,45 -2,48 -2,13 1,64 2,96 2,46
P/E Ratio (Price-to-Earnings Ratio) (7)
10,9 9,7 -5,6 -3,9 6,4 5,0 5,5
Number of oustanding ordinary shares (million) (as of December 31st) (8)
1.527 1.527 1.527 1.527 1.527 1.327 1.217

(1) Quoted year-end price per share in the Continuous Market of the Spanish Stock Exchange.

 (2)  Includes, for each year, the dividends paid and the guaranteed fixed price of Repsol’s purchase commitment of the free-of-charge allocation rights under "Repsol Flexible Dividend" programme.

(3) Includes the 1 € per share special dividend paid after the YPF settlement.

(4) Calculated as "Shareholder Remuneration/Price at the end of the previous year" . 

(5) Calculated as Dividend Yield (%) + Share price return (%). 

(6) Reported "Earnings Per Share" (EPS) .

(7) Calculated as "Price a the end of the year/EPS of the year" .

(8) Number of Repsol outstanding ordinary shares as of December 31st of each year. May differ from the average number of shares for each period.

(9) Source: Bloomberg.