Contributing to the United Nations 2030 Agenda
Contributing to the United Nations 2030 Agenda
Positively through the following SDG:

SDG 15
SDG 15
Life on land
Sagari Project: Our commitment to biodiversity conservation in Peru
Pipeline development
The construction of the 18 kilometre pipeline between the Sagari and Kinteroni gas fields, within the Machiguenga and Ashaninka communal reserves, is an example of collaboration between the Company and the communities in the area. The plans focused on maintaining the integrity and quality of the forest and protecting habitats during the pipeline development. Procedures designed for implementation were shared with contractors and local communities, with communication and training being the key aspects of the project.
Before taking action in such a sensitive environment, we carried out several studies to analyze in depth the area where the pipeline construction project was to take place.
A team of specialists was set up to design, implement, and supervise the programs. An environmental impact assessment, an environmental management plan, and a biodiversity action plan were carried out to gain a better understanding of the natural resources in the area, the use that local communities make of them, and how they are affected by the development of the project, in order to design mitigation measures.
A community liaison plan was also developed that included the use of local experts from native communities to implement the procedures in the construction phase.
With the support of the NGO Flora and Fauna International, working groups were organized with local communities to review and improve the designed procedures. All data were taken into account for the final design of the pipeline, the location of supporting infrastructure, and the design of mitigation actions.
Following the impact mitigation hierarchy, the measures applied were:
As part of the training program, awareness-raising talks on biodiversity and ecosystem services were given to all the employees involved in the construction of the pipeline.
The procedures formed part of the management systems of the contractors in charge of the construction of the project. In addition, we developed a data capture tool that allowed us to track the implementation of the impact mitigation measures carried out.
Find out more about how we conserve biodiversity at Sagari
The initiative has been both a challenge and an opportunity and has allowed us to develop a biodiversity protection plan for the Amazon rainforest. This plan is a practical example of the application of the mitigation hierarchy in which concrete goals have been established and which has also allowed us to obtain mitigation indicators that can be used as benchmarks in biodiversity management for hydrocarbon industry projects in Amazonian ecosystems.
In order to achieve this goal, the training of the employees participating in the project was essential, so more than 1,500 man-hours of training were invested in biodiversity aspects. In addition, a team of more than 45 biologists of all specialties was in charge of monitoring and acting to preserve the flora and fauna of the area.
As proof of our efforts, at the beginning of 2018 our Company received recognition for strengthening collaborative management with the community in the Machiguenga Communal Reserve.
For more information, see this note from the Smithsonian's National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute >
Sagari's best practices book
This book includes guidelines, procedures, and actions that are part of the impact mitigation hierarchy, with the aim of avoiding, mitigating, and restoring potential impacts on the biodiversity of the flora and fauna in the megadiverse indigenous communities of Porotobango, Kitepampani, and Nuevo Mundo.
Contributing to the United Nations 2030 Agenda
Positively through the following SDG:
SDG 15
Life on land