What is our goal?
To provide energy and products to society in an efficient manner...
Ensuring the protection of the environment
Ensuring a sustainable use of resources
Without compromising the well-being of future generations
Our commitments
In case of conflict, it is necessary to respect the commitments included in this policy
Ensure compliance with current legal requirements, internal regulations, and other voluntary commitments endorsed by the organization, in all the places where we operate.
Pay special attention to the management of those impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities that are material to our activity through the commitments contained in this or other policies related to sustainability or in other mechanisms established by the company.
Integrate environmental protection into business management systems, establishing mechanisms for continuous improvement defining objectives, goals and verification, control and auditing mechanisms to ensure them.
Ensure proactive risk management throughout the entire life cycle of our operations, in order to prevent any impact on the environment, such as any possible incident and its consequences on it.
Combat climate change, avoiding and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our operations and from our products and services.
Assess risks associated with climate change and implement mitigation and adaptation measures in our operations, when relevant.
Prevent waste generation and manage the waste that has been produced prioritizing reuse and recycling over its elimination.
Integrate circular economy principles in our processes, products and services, optimizing the use of resources and raw materials, including energy and water; fostering the use of alternative and renewable resources obtained in a sustainable manner and promoting the development of new products with less environmental impact.
Protect and preserve biodiversity, ecosystems and associated ecosystem services by managing impacts and dependencies on biodiversity and affected communities and stakeholders throughout the life cycle of our operations, products and services. This management will pay particular attention to impacts occurring in or near protected areas and will take into account the main drivers on biodiversity loss (that is, climate change, land-use change, freshwater-use change and sea-use change, direct exploitation, introduction of invasive alien species and pollution).
Carry out water management including the use and sourcing of water throughout the life cycle of our operations, products and services, and the long-term protection of available water resources, both terrestrial and marine. Reduce freshwater withdrawal from the environment, especially in areas at water risk, encourage the use of alternative sources of supply, internal and external reuse, and reduction of water discharges and treatment of our effluents to prevent and abate water pollution and the deterioration of aquatic ecosystems.
Prevent and control the impacts associated to air, water and soil emissions of pollutants derived from our operations and reduce the potential environmental impact arising from the use of the products we manufacture, avoiding incidents and emergency situations.
Train and sensitize our employees on environmental issues, with the aim of raising awareness on environmental protection, generating a corporate culture.
Promote and require environmental commitments in line with those defined internally in the value chain, partners, suppliers, contractors, distributors and other business relationships.
If there is a conflict between environmental protection and operating results, all employees are responsible for choosing protection and Management will always support this choice.