Shareholder card information on a cell phone screen

Accessing the benefits for being a shareholder is very easy!

  • You only need to have 50 shares or more, be signed up to Repsol en Acción, our Shareholders Community, and Waylet, with the same ID number (NIF) and email address.
  • Your shares must be registered under your name in IBERCLEAR(*). This process can take up to a week from the acquisition. Usually, traditional banks inform IBERCLEAR about the holders of the shares, but online brokers are less common.

And if you've already signed up to Waylet, you don't need to register on the Shareholders Community. You only have to Log in with the same Waylet username and password and Accept the Terms and Conditions of the program. It's that easy!

A close-up of someone using Waylet

If you use Waylet

You will enjoy savings and additional benefits depending on your vinculation level with energy services you have signed up for with Repsol.

Tablas responsives Ajuste

Waylet credit

If you are NOT a Repsol shareholder


Car and Electricity

Car, Electricity, and Heating

Car, Electricity, Heating, and Solar


5 cts./l

in Waylet credit on
your fill-ups

Car and Electricity

10 cts./l

in Waylet credit on
your fill-ups

Car, Electricity, and Heating

15 cts./l

in Waylet credit on
your fill-ups

Car, Electricity, Heating, and Solar

20 cts./l

in Waylet credit on
your fill-ups

If you are a Repsol shareholder


50 - 849 shares

+1 cts./l

additional balance

= 6 cts./l

= 11 cts./l

= 16 cts./l

= 21 cts./l


850 - 2,499 shares

+2 cts./l

additional balance

= 7 cts./l

= 12 cts./l

= 17 cts./l

= 22 cts./l


2,500 - 12,499 shares

+3 cts./l

additional balance

= 8 cts./l

= 13 cts./l

= 18 cts./l

= 23 cts./l


Over 12,500 shares

+4 cts./l

additional balance

= 9 cts./l

= 14 cts./l

= 19 cts./l

= 24 cts./l

(*) Only Repsol, S.A. shareholders who own any number of shares, provided they are registered in their name in the accounting records of Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores, S.A. (IBERCLEAR), the entity in charge of keeping the accounting records of Repsol, S.A. shares, may be part of Repsol en Acción.