Cables of several colors

Cable compounds for filler and protection

They are made from mineral and synthetic raw materials as filler and protection for telecommunication, electrical, and traction cables. Always tailored to fit your needs. You can find compounds for the filler of communications cables (conventional telephony and fiber optics) and compounds for the external protection of electrical, traction, and special cables.

Compounds for external protection

Compounds for external protection

We offer a variety of ranges for different needs. The CELEC range is for the external protection and filler of electric cables and the CETRA®, CEVA®, and CTA® ranges are for traction cables and special cables.

Compounds for filler

Compounds for filler

Cable-filling compounds (filling and flooding) provide a watertight environment and protection against corrosion and potential dielectric problems. Choose from the range according to the type of compound: mineral, synthetic, or semi-synthetic base, etc.

Specialized products customer service and commercial network

Our broad network of specialized products experts at our corporate headquarters in Madrid are ready to assist you place your order with the greatest ease and convenience. You can contact us through this phone number or by email:

+34 901 111 999
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