The Ecoplanta Project, the only Spanish candidacy selected in the European Commission Innovation Fund
The waste recovery project in El Morell, Ecoplanta Molecular Solutions, the result of the joint venture between Repsol and the Canadian company Enerkem, was one of the 7 projects selected from over 300 large-scale projects for its contribution to the fight against climate change. With this selection, the European Union supports promoters of highly innovative projects and helps them to implement their technology.
The is one of the 7 projects selected by the European Commission Innovation Fund from over 300 large-scale projects for its contribution to the fight against climate change. It is the only project from Spain selected for this European Commission Innovation Fund, which supports highly innovative technologies and large European projects resulting in significant reductions in GHG emissions. With its commitment, the European Union supports the promoters of these highly innovative projects in their efforts to implement their technology, in this specific instance, gasification technology which has been specifically highlighted for its innovation, its reduction of carbon emissions and its scalability.
With its emphasis on maximizing the reuse of municipal solid waste and promotion of recycling and material recovery, the project is a ground-breaking illustration of the circular economy. It will be cutting GHG emissions by some 200,000 tonnes each year and reducing waste that would otherwise end up in landfills
By recovering waste in a real circular economy, Ecoplanta will contribute strongly to the improvement of material recovery rates in Spain and to the achievement of the EU's 2035 targets to reduce the volume of solid urban waste currently going to landfill, consolidating itself as a lower environmental impact alternative to incineration.
Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.