Renewable hydrogen: An alternative for reducing emissions.

The alternative energy that will revolutionize the future

Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical element on the planet, present in 75% of all matter on Earth. However, this element is never found alone, but in the company of other chemical elements such as oxygen forming water, or carbon forming other organic compounds, such as hydrocarbons.

What is renewable hydrogen?

Renewable hydrogen, also called green hydrogen, is an energy vector derived from renewable sources that has zero CO2 emissions. The use of renewable hydrogen in conjunction with renewable low-carbon liquid fuels is essential for decarbonization.

Do you want to learn more?

  • Renewable hydrogen could together make up between 10 and 20% of the global energy consumption.
  • Renewable hydrogen and CO2 will be the raw materials used in the synthetic fuels that will be produced by Repsol in Bilbao.
  • Synthetic fuels produced with renewable hydrogen will be essential for decarbonizing sectors that are difficult to electrify, such as maritime or air transportation.

How do we produce renewable hydrogen?

There are many ways to produce renewable or green hydrogen. One of the most common technologies used is electrolysis from water, which is a process involving the separation of the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen by applying renewable electric energy, but there are other alternatives.

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From biomethane

The biomethane used as raw material was obtained from municipal solid waste. By doing so, we continue to promote the circular economy and cutting-edge technology to transform waste into low-carbon, value-added products.

In this way, we take a first step toward substituting conventional natural gas for sustainable biomethane to produce renewable hydrogen in our industrial facilities and that way decarbonize both our processes and our products.

Advantages of hydrogen as an energy source

This type of hydrogen is gaining attention as a clean energy source. Below we tell you about some of its most significant advantages:


  • Emissions reduction: Renewable green hydrogen, when it is used as a fuel, only emits water vapor, which means there are no greenhouse gas emissions or other atmospheric pollutants.
  • Versatility: Green hydrogen can be used in a variety of applications, from powering vehicles to being used in industrial processes, or for generating electricity.
  • Fossil fuels: By adopting hydrogen as an energy source, dependence on oil, gas, and coal is reduced.
  • Renewable energies: Green hydrogen can be produced directly from renewable sources, which facilitates its integration with existing wind, solar, or hydropower systems.


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An in-depth look at renewable hydrogen

Elena Verdú, Process Development Senior Scientist at the Repsol Technology Lab, explains what green hydrogen is all about. Do you know what it is and how it’s produced?

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Net zero emissions by 2050

Our ambition is to become a leader in renewable hydrogen production on the Iberian Peninsula and hold an important position in the European market.