Vista del logo de Repsol en el Campus Repsol. Política de comunicación

Communication Policy

Our aim is to develop communication actions to enhance our good reputation through the creation, development, and dissemination of its image with honesty, integrity, transparency, and responsibility, while providing accurate, clear, and reliable information, and maintaining consistency in the messages conveyed internally and externally through the company's media and channels by every department and division.

Shot of the Repsol Campus courtyard

Our objectives

Repsol considers communication to be a strategic asset which contributes to the company's achievement of its corporate and business objectives. It must therefore be governed by the following principles:

Preservation and promotion of Repsol's image and reputation

  • Managing communication with a single voice across the entire company in an integrated and global manner so as to project a consistent image that makes Repsol universally recognizable. This does not affect any adaptations necessary at a local level or in countries and markets with a variety of products, services, and stakeholders.
  • Identifying communication opportunities, evaluating benefits and each of their risks before taking action. The company will not carry out communication actions that may involve an increase in its reputational risk.
  • Mitigating risks through communications that minimize negative impacts on the company's reputation.

Proactive and planned communication management with our stakeholders

  • Repsol will not disparage defame or use falsehoods in its communications. Furthermore, all communication will be carried out responsibly, with the purpose that the message conveyed does not create unattainable expectations among stakeholders. To this end, it will establish relationships with its stakeholders, based on trust, equality, symmetry, and mutual respect, based on active listening and understanding of our stakeholders' diversity, their needs, and acknowledging their different interests and rights.
  • Planning short, medium, and long-term communications, bearing in mind the different messages, languages, audiences, countries, and media, and securing the resources needed to carry them out.
  • Adopting and using dynamic and efficient channels for communication between the Company and its stakeholders that allow regular interchange of information in material issues that may be of their interest, to offer them efficient communications that seek to meet their demands, anticpate their expectations, and foster knowledge, collaboration, and promote relationships of mutual trust.
  • All external communication must take into account any agreements that exist with other minority partners and/or partners excluded from management.

Active collaboration in fostering internal culture

  • Contributing through different communication actions to the creation of an internal culture in line with Company values that boosts the Company's business results and promotes pride of belonging among employees.
  • Promoting and providing Company employees with the training they need to be well qualified in fields related to communication.

Continuous improvement

  • Promoting the implementation of the most appropriate and effective techniques and technologies at all times, allowing the Company to face new challenges in fields related to communication.

All Repsol employees are responsible for complying with this policy.