Workforce evolution
Drive a just transition for the company's people:
In Spain, we are a benchmark company when it comes to incorporating people with disabilities into the labor market through its responsible purchasing policy, accessibility policy at work centers, and its employability programs. We participate in the Global Business Disability Network from ILO (International Labour Organization).
We have committed to a target of 35% women in leadership positions by 2025. In 2022, 48.9% of external hires have been women, and 32.2% of women are in leadership positions.
We have launched the ‘Repsol Digital Girls’ program to promote an interest in STEM disciplines among girls, and we also participate in ClosinGap, a cluster of companies that analyzes the economic impact on society as a whole of the lack of equal opportunities for women.
We have developed initiatives to promote LGBTI+ inclusive environments. Since 2020, Repsol has a group of LGBTI Allies among its employees that has more than 200 members from 10 countries. In 2022, a training course was launched for all employees, and more than 500 people have already completed it.