New Styrene Monomer Safe Handling Guide 2018

Chemical News 24/01/2019

The Styrene Monomer Safe Handling Guide 2018 update has been published, as a result of several months collaborative work with the main styrene manufacturers and under the coordination of PlasticsEurope (the association that represents plastics manufacturers active in the European plastics industry, including styrene manufacturers and its derivatives).

Ilustración estireno

This update aims to avoid possible dangers, accidents, losses, damages or personal injuries of any kind during the storage, handling, transport and distribution of the product.

In this general revision of the document, all the chapters have been updated according to the latest information available and through the sharing of good practices by all manufacturers.

This information complements, but does not replace, the styrene-specific Safety Data Sheets and its adoption and follow-up is recommended for all parties involved.