Antonio Brufau reviewed the plans of the company in Venezuela with Venezuelan Minister Rafael Ramírez

Repsol begins accelerated hydrocarbon production in the Orinoco Belt

Press Release 27/12/2012 00:00
  • Today, Repsol CEO and Chairman Antonio Brufau attended the first oil ceremony for the first well in the development plan for the Carabobo field, situated in the Orinoco Belt, one of the areas in the world with the largest untapped hydrocarbon reserves.
  • The Carabobo project could yield production of up to 400,000 barrels per day of extra heavy crude oil, and includes the construction of a heavy crude oil upgrader which will enable what is produced to be converted into 16 º API.
  • Antonio Brufau and the Venezuelan Petroleum and Mining Minister, Rafael Ramírez, reviewed the development plan for the Perla megafield, one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world with a volume of gas in situ of approximately 3 billion barrels equivalent of oil.

27 December 2012 - 09:00 CET | PDF | 140.34 KB