Repsol gets top marks for a third straight year

Repsol is the worlds most transparent oil company according to the Dow Jones Index

Press Release 04/09/2008 17:52
  • Repsol receives the top score for transparency, client relations, climate change, and biodiversity.
  • Repsol gets the best score in the oil sector for aspects such as social impact on communities and human capital development.
  • Repsol’s strategy on climate change, valued by Dow Jones as the most advanced strategy of the oil & gas industry.
  • Repsol leads for the fist time the section on biodiversity and health and safety in the workplace.
  • The company increases its scores and obtains ratings which are well above the industry average.
  • Repsol is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for a third consecutive year. 

04 September 2008 - 00:00 CEST | PDF | 38.38 KB