Solar power plants
Where the sun's rays are converted into electricity.
Combined cycle
Combining gas and steam
A combined cycle power plant plays an important role in the energy transition by offering an alternative for electricity generation. This technology combines gas and steam turbines to maximize efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.
What is a combined cycle power plant?
A combined cycle power plant, also known as a combined cycle thermal power plant, is an electricity generation facility that combines two types of turbines: a gas one and a steam one. This combination allows you to make the most of the heat generated during the process, achieving a significantly greater efficiency compared to simple cycle plants, which only use a gas turbine.
How does combined cycle work?
Combined cycle uses two interconnected thermodynamic cycles to maximize efficiency in the generation of electricity: the gas cycle and steam cycle.
1. Gas cycle
2. Steam cycle
Advantages of combined cycle power plants
The combined cycle power plant offers several significant benefits compared to the conventional energy generation plant, which use coal or hydrocarbons as a fuel. Its main advantages are:
Repsol and combined cycle
In the last few years, we have strengthened our presence in this strategic sector through the acquisition and operation of important combined cycle facilities. This technology allows us to optimize the efficiency in the generation of electricity and expand our energy matrix.
Our combined cycle power plants in Spain
At Repsol, we operate two important combined cycle power plants: