Repsol's birth
Repsol is born in 1986 and takes its first steps
Between January 1990 and March 1992, after a series of shares were exchanged between INH, Repsol, and the Mexican company PEMEX, the latter acquired 5% of Repsol, while Repsol acquired 88.3% of CAMPSA and 68.12% of Petronor.
In November, the separation of Campsa's commercial activities was approved to distribute its commercial assets among its shareholders (Repsol, Cepsa, BP). A new oil sees the light of day: Repsol Competition, developed thanks to tests performed by company-sponsored riders.
In December 1992, an end was put to the oil monopoly. Campsa changed its company name to "Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos" (CLH).
In 1995, the state-owned industrial holding company (SEPI) was founded under the control of Spain's Ministry of Industry and Energy. All of INH's holdings in Repsol, ENAGAS, Sagane, and Gas Natural SDG were transfered to it.
In April 1997, Repsol's privatization process was concluded. The last of five IPOs for selling shares was set forth, which comprised 10% of the share capital (30 million shares) that still belonged to the state-owned industrial holding company (SEPI).
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