Safe operation

Our ambition is to be excellent in safety. In order to achieve this goal, we focus on facilities, processes, and people by identifying, assessing, and managing the risks associated with our activities throughout the value chain. Prevention and protection are key.

Our safety culture: What does it mean to us?

At Repsol, we understand that our Safety Culture is an inseparable part of our Organizational Culture which is based on the same values, and is evident in shared behaviors and attitudes. Learn more about what Safety Culture means to us and how we face the challenge of continuously improving it, involving all the people who work in our facilities.

Repsol operators

Lessons learned process

We work every day to ensure safety in all of our operations.

In order to achieve this, it's fundamental that safety knowledge is shared and reaches all the different company areas, businesses, and facilities.

We learn from the operation and detect opportunities to improve within the organization.

Crisis and emergency management

Repsol is committed to the continuous improvement of all processes aimed at eliminating or minimizing the impact of the risks of its activity. In addition to its efforts and dedication to accident prevention and management, the company is prepared to respond quickly and effectively to any contingency.

At Repsol we are prepared to respond quickly and effectively to any incident and, to this end, we are committed to the continuous improvement of all processes aimed at eliminating or minimizing the impact of the risks of our activity.

With this aim, we develop systems for early detection of any contingency and we train and simulate numerous emergency situations related to safety, the environment, or any other aspect that requires an adequate reaction and response.

Repsol's model integrates crisis and emergency management at three levels, depending on whether the impact requires a response at the Company, Business, or asset level. This model brings together our own and the oil sector's extensive experience in emergency response, together with the industry's best and most innovative practices in crisis management.

At the first level (Company), the management team is called the Crisis Management Team (CMT) and is formed by the Executive Committee itself, led by the Chairman. This ensures the allocation of resources and support teams with 24/7 coverage, duly trained and instructed, which carry out specific drills at each level several times a year.

The second level of management is formed by the Business Support Team (BST) made up of the Business level crisis management teams. These teams are trained according to international standards such as the ICS (Incident Command System) and undergo highly specialized training and drills in response to potential contingencies.

By carrying out simulations, we can learn valuable lessons from which we can adjust our plans and program-specific training.

The Crisis and Emergency Plans develop the requirements of a company-specific Standard. As the Standard is the starting point, it ensures a minimum and homogeneous standard of management in all areas and levels of the Company. It also guarantees homogeneity in the aspects of training and drills. For example, it establishes an annual drill at the highest management level (CMT) and a combined drill every three years that simultaneously involves management teams at different levels.

Staff room managing crises and emergencies

Despite all the preventive activity that is implemented, the eventuality of an accident may occur. In this case, in addition to following specific management and training protocols that ensure the assignment of the highest priority required in each case, the Company has internal and external emergency response mechanisms and relies on specialized and trained teams that use the most advanced detection tools. These mechanisms contribute to minimizing impacts on the environment and people.

Once the situation is under control, new preventive actions are established to avoid any recurrence.

In the event of marine oil spills, in addition to its own response resources, Repsol has contracts that guarantee the rapid response of external specialists and equipment (Oil Spills Response Limited - OSRL, including access to the Global Dispersants Stockpile, Wild Well Control, Helix...).

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