Repsol to build Spain's first polyurethane foam recycling plant in Puertollano
We plan to build Spain’s first chemical polyurethane foam recycling plant at our Puertollano Industrial Complex, with the capacity to treat some 2,000 metric tons of this waste per year. The plant will be operational by the end of 2022 and entail an estimated investment of €12 million. We step forward in our commitment to the transformation of the industrial area.
We will build at our Puertollano Industrial Complex, Spain's first plant for chemical recycling of polyurethane foam, the main component used to make mattresses, sofas, or vehicle seats. Polyurethane foam is also one of the most difficult plastics to process at the end of its useful life.
It is expected at the end of 2022 and will entail an investment of €12 million. The new recycling plant will be capable to process 2,000 metric tons of polyurethane foam annually, the equivalent of 380 linear kilometers of mattresses placed side by side.
This new process, based on the circular economy, we will allow us to produce circular polyols from the recycling of polyurethane foam. Polyols are one of the raw materials used to manufacture polyurethane foam, thus perfectly closing these essential products’ recycling circle and sustainability. Integrating the recycling plant in our Puertollano petrochemical complex will ensure the quality of this circular product since it guarantees the use of synergies with the facility's standard processes.
With this new investment, we step forward the transformation of our industrial area, turning our production centers into multi-energy hubs capable of generating products with a low, zero, and even negative carbon footprint.