Smart logistics to meet market demands
The demands of an ever-evolving sector and adapting to customer needs make transportation logistics one of the aspects our company is continuously improving.
We also have enough capability and experience to manage sea transport. Particularly with large shipments of bitumen to maritime terminals, both in Spain and abroad.
The main advantages of presentation in 55 gallon (208 L), 58 gallon (220 L), and 66 gallon (250 L) drums include the possibility of maintaining a large inventory and ease of handling both during transportation and at destination. This form of packaging is highly appropriate for long-distance transportation.
A standard container can store between 16 and 20 metric tons of any of our products, depending on the type of drum.
Reducing logistics and energy costs are the key benefits of this innovative packaging that can be used to transport and store bitumens and modified bitumens as solids. Additionally, safety – an absolute essential for us – abounds throughout this system, offering significant benefits because the bitumens are transported and stored in high-resistance bags. This prevents the risks inherent to liquid product and makes it easier to handle in comparison with traditional solutions.
This format makes it possible to deliver standard 20-foot (TEU) containers containing 22 tons of product, facilitating long-distance transportation (road, ship, and rail).
Our synthetic binders are formulated specifically to be possibly pelletized. This type of pellet allows cold binders to be transported and stored, providing benefits in terms of safety and the environment. Packing pellets in bags or boxes facilitates handling and storing the product.
Intermediate bulk container (IBC)
IBCs are molded 264-gallon (1,000 liter) cubic tanks covered by a rigid tubular cage, with a filling stub and drain valve on a pallet that can be handled from all four sides, enabling highly versatile handling.
This format makes it possible to deliver standard 20-foot containers (TEU) containing between 18 and 20 tons of product.
The innovation we are showcasing for this container is a range of overstabilized emulsions with specific formulations. This will allow it to be transported over long distances without long-term storage affecting any of the product’s properties.